Documentaion in Sphinx

A short tutorial on how to build documentation in Sphinx

Published on July 13, 2023 by Dishie Vinchhi

documentation sphinx autosummary

Steps on generating your own documentation using Sphinx

Initial set-up

  • Create a folder ‘docs’ to contain your documentation inside your repo
    cd docs

    Enter ‘y’ for all the following questions.

  • The above command would have generated files and folders inside the docs directory.
    1. Inside the file, uncomment lines #13, #14, #15
    2. In line #15, change the absolute path to “..”
  • In, add the extensions you require in the extensions list which would initially be empty.
    We have used the following to build the entire documentation:
    extensions = [
  • Choose the theme of your choice
    Inside, you can set the html_theme to any of your choice from the Sphinx themes.
    We have used html_theme = 'pydata_sphinx_theme'.

To generate autosummary

  • Inside index.rst, add the ‘modules’ to the toctree in the given manner.
    .. toctree::
     :maxdepth: 2
     :caption: Contents:
  • Outside the docs directory, run the following command
    cd .. (to go out of docs)
    sphinx-apidoc -o docs/ <your current directory name>

    A list of .rst files will be generated inside docs.

Building html pages

  • Inside the docs directory, run make html
    cd docs
    make html
  • Inside docs/_build/html, there will be many html files.
    You can host index.html locally to see your documentation on localhost.

Tutorial Video

Watch the video