A Dive into Unit Testing and Code Quality

In this blog post, we’ll delve into two essential practices that contribute to robust code - unit testing and code formatting

Published on August 11, 2023 by Dishie Vinchhi

Smoke tests Unit tests Black Code quality

Maintaining code quality is a cornerstone of software development that not only ensures functionality but also facilitates collaboration and longevity. In this blog post, we’ll delve into two essential practices that contribute to robust code: smoke testing and code formatting. These practices not only enhance code reliability but also streamline development processes and foster a healthier codebase.

Crafting Reliable Foundations with Unit Testing

Writing code is just the beginning; ensuring that it works as intended is where the real value lies. Smoke testing, a practice that involves running quick, high-level tests on functions, is a crucial step in this direction. Here’s an exploration of how we’ve integrated smoke testing into our workflow:

  • Function Selection: We began by identifying key functions within our codebase that serve as the backbone of various features.
  • Test Suite Creation: For each function, we created a set of smoke tests that encompass essential use cases. These tests serve as a quick indicator of whether the function is fundamentally working.
  • Automation Integration: Our continuous integration (CI) pipeline was updated to include these smoke tests. This ensures that any changes to the codebase trigger smoke tests automatically, preventing regressions from slipping through.
We have used pytest to write unit tests.

An example

Consider the function ctransform()

def ctransform(x):
    """Copula transformation (empirical CDF).

    x : array_like
        Array of data. The trial axis should be the last one

    xr : array_like
        Empirical CDF value along the last axis of x.
    xr = np.argsort(np.argsort(x)).astype(float)
    xr += 1.0
    xr /= float(xr.shape[-1] + 1)
    return xr

The tests written for this function should check the following:

  • The return type of the function for every valid input is an array
  • It must have the same shape as of the input x
  • All the values in the output must lie within the range [0,1].

The unit test for the same is:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("x", [x1, x2])
def test_ctransform(x):
    xr = ctransform(x)
    assert isinstance(xr, np.ndarray)
    assert xr.shape == x.shape
    for row in xr:
        for cdf in row:
            assert cdf >= 0 and cdf <= 1

Code coverage

Diving deeper into our quest for excellence and quality assurance, we used codecov to obtain the extent to which our unit tests explore our codebase.

Reports generated by codecov

codecov results

Code quality

Consistent code formatting is more than just aesthetics; it enhances readability, reduces errors, and fosters a cohesive codebase. We’ve taken the extra step of adopting the popular code formatter, Black, to ensure a consistent style throughout our code. Here’s how we achieved this:

  • Adopting Black: We introduced Black, an opinionated code formatter, to our project. It allows us to adhere to a standardized formatting style effortlessly.
  • Configuration and Integration: We configured our CI pipeline to automatically check if the code adheres to the Black formatting style. This enforces code uniformity and minimizes style-related code reviews.