Expanding Orientation - From Neuroscience to General Focus

The focal point of our recent efforts has been to make the code more robust and accommodating for various types of data. The first issue we addressed centered around this goal. We recognized the importance of enabling users to work with different data forms, beyond the specific use case of neurons that was previously targeted. This expanded capability opens up new avenues for application and empowers a wider user base.

Published on June 07, 2023 by Dishie Vinchhi

neuro-orientation first issue

Features of the PR

Making the code more broad and supporting additional forms of data is the aim of the first issue.

Removed extra dependencies

A significant stride we’ve taken is the removal of dependencies on the xarray and frites Python packages. This strategic decision has two-fold benefits.

  • It streamlines the codebase, making it more concise and focused.
  • it reduces the learning curve for new users, as they no longer need to familiarize themselves with additional libraries. This change simplifies the installation process and ensures that users can dive into the code swiftly.

Generalization: Beyond Neurons

A notable breakthrough achieved through this issue is generalization of the code’s capabilities. Previously, the code was tailored to calculating o-information specifically for neurons. With this update, users can now calculate the o-information of any system, expanding the code’s applicability to a diverse range of fields. This enhancement not only widens the user base but also makes the code more versatile for various scientific and engineering domains.